Prayer To Saint Dwynwen


Oh Blessed Saint Dwynwen,
you who knew pain and peace,
division and reconcilliation.
You have promised to aid lovers,
and you watch over those
whose hearts have been broken.
As you received three boons from an Angel,
intercede for me to receive three blessings
to obtain my heart's desire
(State your request)
or if that's not Gods will,
a speedy healing from my pain
your guidance and assistance that
I may find love
with the right person at the right time
and in the way,
and an unshakeable faith
in the boundless kindness and wisdom of God
and this I ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord

Saint Dwynwen, we beseech thee,
comfort lovers whose vision is unclear.
Send meaning to those with love lost.
Protect companions.
In your name we seek to do the same.
In your name we choose love first.
With the love of you, Mary and of Jesus Christ.


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